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Cape Cod—magical, scenic, and not the kind of place usually associated with multiple murders.  However, that’s what Rachel Brewster and her teenage sister, Beth, face while they try to support themselves at the same time that they’re trying to keep the Yarmouth and Barnstable Police from making them the prime suspects.

The Bayside Murders is a work of fiction. Except for actual historical figures, any resemblance
between any characters in this story and any person living or dead is purely coincidental.


          Text by Dr. Charles C. Knerr; photography by John A. Miller, Jr.

Many Christian churches, both old and modern, incorporate a great deal of Biblical symbolism into their architecture and stained glass windows.  The Church of the Good Shepherd United Church of Christ in Alburtis, Pennsylvania, exhibits many such symbols as detailed in this book featuring photographs of church architecture and windows with accompanying explanations and Biblical references.