Three-Zee at the Beach
by John A. Miller, Jr.
(Three-Zee Series #2)

Zelanie Zephora Zook (Three-Zee to her friends) and her best friend, Bambi Bamberger, visit Ocean City, New Jersey for a week of sun and surf. Instead, they encounter the ghost of a beautiful surfer who has no idea where, why, or how she died, except that it’s obvious the knife wound in her chest was no accident. Mysterious shenanigans regarding a crate being unloaded from a small boat at night into a truck guarded by a man with a gun further complicate their vacation. Being trapped on top of a tall Ferris wheel during a severe thunderstorm followed by being left to die in the marshes turns this into the week from Hell for Three-Zee and Bambi until with the help of a new friend they finally figure out all the answers.
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